Faith Works | Week 16
Desire in and of itself is not a bad thing. A desire for righteousness and Godliness can drive us to spend time in our Bibles, with other believers and in prayer. A desire for marriage and love leads us to the one who God has created for us. A desire to honor God in all we do leads us to be a good employee. These are all good desires. However desire, if left unchecked can become dangerous. A desire for righteousness and Godliness can also lead one to be a Pharisee in their living and look down on others who are not at the “same level of spirituality that I am.” A desire for marriage and love cause many to jump into a relationship that God never intended to happen there by only frustrating the ones involved. Often these relationships bring abuse, fights and if married divorce. A desire to honor God in all we do leads us to think that I’m better than my fellow employee and I deserve the next promotion over them. You see, we can have unfulfillable desires and these unfulfillable desires create hostility in the body, both spiritually, physically and corporately.