Hope Kids exists to partner with parents to help kids know and love Jesus Christ.
The best way to reach a child is to tell a story. Each weekend on all of our campuses, kids (infants to 5th grade) experience the life-changing power of Jesus and His word through worship and story. We’ve designed our kid environments with your child in mind to be safe, fun, and filled with age-appropriate learning tools.

Parent Philosophy
A foundation of Hope Church’s Children’s Ministry is the unique relationship being built between parents and the leaders. We realize that kids only spend about 40-60 hours per year on average at church. They spend more time with you in the car in any given month! We also found out that a recent Barna study states that children prefer being spiritually trained by their parents! We believe we (the church and the family) can join forces and make an incredibly intentional impact on the life of a child.
Moses recognized this important lifestyle in Deuteronomy 6 as he instructed the family; “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
Moses recognized this important lifestyle in Deuteronomy 6 as he instructed the family; “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
Safety and Security Policy
Because we know it’s scary sometimes to leave your little one behind in a new place, we want to assure you that all of our rooms have been designed with your child in mind. Every week at Kids’ Check-in, your family is assigned a random, alpha-numeric code that is on the child’s name tag and your parent security tag. This same code will be displayed on the screens in the Worship Center in the event that one of your children needs you.
We go to great lengths to make sure your child is safe with us. Every weekend, your child is joined by incredible volunteers who want to ensure that each boy and girl has a fabulous experience. All of our volunteers have been trained and screened for background checks to verify level of quality and character.
We go to great lengths to make sure your child is safe with us. Every weekend, your child is joined by incredible volunteers who want to ensure that each boy and girl has a fabulous experience. All of our volunteers have been trained and screened for background checks to verify level of quality and character.
Hope Kids "Littles"
Through partnership with parents, we want kids to learn to be lifelong followers of Jesus. We teach kids about God in a way that they will understand. Kids have fun, feel safe, build relationships with others, and learn that God loves and accepts them.
We help even our youngest children become familiar with Bible stories and learn about Jesus’ love for them. We provide kids with a place where they feel safe and cared for and can begin to learn how to trust God and others.
Preschool kids enjoy large group learning and small group discussion. In large group, kids sing songs, hear Bible stories, and learn more about how God wants us to live. In small group, they meet with other kids their own age and are guided in activities, lesson review, and questions with a group leader.
In Hope Kids “Littles”, kids get relevant teaching created just for them. We hope that kids will feel known and loved by God and others. Ultimately, we want even the littlest ones to make a genuine decision to live for Jesus and make him the leader of their lives.
We help even our youngest children become familiar with Bible stories and learn about Jesus’ love for them. We provide kids with a place where they feel safe and cared for and can begin to learn how to trust God and others.
Preschool kids enjoy large group learning and small group discussion. In large group, kids sing songs, hear Bible stories, and learn more about how God wants us to live. In small group, they meet with other kids their own age and are guided in activities, lesson review, and questions with a group leader.
In Hope Kids “Littles”, kids get relevant teaching created just for them. We hope that kids will feel known and loved by God and others. Ultimately, we want even the littlest ones to make a genuine decision to live for Jesus and make him the leader of their lives.

Hope Kids "Bigs"
Expect to be engaged throughout the week with your child as they become more and more devoted to Jesus. We come along side you and provide help as you spiritually train your kids. This philosophy is taken from Deuteronomy 6 as Moses tells the Hebrew families that it is their personal responsibility to teach their children about the Lord. Don’t let that intimidate you though! We provide lots of great resources for you to help with discipling your kids at home.
Hope Kids is a place for discipling children
Ministry time is comprised of a small group/large group format. The kids worship together and learn their Bible story in large group and then work through applications within the context of a small group. Parents are resourced and encouraged to teach and work with their children at home. Parents who are covenant partners of Hope Church are asked to sub/serve once every 6-8 weeks in the Children’s Ministry. (more if desired!)
Parents, while you’re enjoying the weekend service, your elementary kids will be having more fun than you ever thought possible at church!
In Hope Kids, we want to provide kids with a foundation, a place, and an opportunity where they can make the decision to have a real relationship with Jesus and grow in their faith.
Hope Kids is a place for discipling children
Ministry time is comprised of a small group/large group format. The kids worship together and learn their Bible story in large group and then work through applications within the context of a small group. Parents are resourced and encouraged to teach and work with their children at home. Parents who are covenant partners of Hope Church are asked to sub/serve once every 6-8 weeks in the Children’s Ministry. (more if desired!)
Parents, while you’re enjoying the weekend service, your elementary kids will be having more fun than you ever thought possible at church!
In Hope Kids, we want to provide kids with a foundation, a place, and an opportunity where they can make the decision to have a real relationship with Jesus and grow in their faith.
Well Child Policy
Fever, Active Chicken Pox, Runny Nose, Measles, Questionable Rashes, Mumps, Coughing, Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye), Diarrhea, Fifths Disease, Impetigo, Sore Throat, or Vomiting.
If a child is being treated with antibiotics, he/she should be on the drug for at least 24 hours before coming to Children’s Ministry. If a child has a continually clear runny nose or rash due to non-contagious allergies, please let us know.
We realize that some symptoms hang on long after the child is no longer contagious. Remember that we want all of our children to remain healthy and happy.
If a child is being treated with antibiotics, he/she should be on the drug for at least 24 hours before coming to Children’s Ministry. If a child has a continually clear runny nose or rash due to non-contagious allergies, please let us know.
We realize that some symptoms hang on long after the child is no longer contagious. Remember that we want all of our children to remain healthy and happy.