Unexpected | Week 3

Dec 18, 2022    Craig Samples

If you have been able to hear the first 2 weeks of this sermon series, by now I think that the unexpected has become the expected. But I want to be careful to never come to Scripture with a slack mindset and not be wowed by it. There is much awe and wonder contained within its pages. I never want to place Scripture as just another book of stories, that much like a Hallmark movie, we know how the ending will be. John 1:1-2, 14 - (1) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (2) He was in the beginning with God. ... (14) And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. the Bible is not just about Jesus, it is Jesus revealed to us. Everything that God wanted us to know about him is contained within these pages. So when I approach Scripture I want to approach it with a sense of the unexpected at what will God reveal about himself next and how does help me to live my life for His glory.

The last 2 weeks we have seen God redeem and use for his purpose 2 of the unexpected people in the lineage of the birth of His son Jesus. God has taken their lives and stories that were far from exemplary and used them for his glory. Today we are going to look at another unexpected woman in the lineage of Jesus and she too will be redeemed. But she will be redeemed not from a calamity and mess of her on doing. As a matter of fact it was said of her that all the people of the town knew that she was a virtuous woman. That is in stark contrast to the other 2 women’s actions. But here is good news for all, whether your life has been or is exemplary or your life has brought you much shame, Jesus must redeem both and can and will use both. Romans 3:23 - (23) for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,.